Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Week 1

Hello everyone!

This week was my first in Missoula Montana.  For the first couple days I explored the city and the surrounding mountains.

This is the river between the downtown and the university area.

This shows a bit of the elevation change in my backyard.  You can bet I climbed the full 1722 ft to the top!

The hike was spectacular!

Another day I saw some "interesting birds"

After a little exploring, I started classes at University of Montana! A beautiful campus(shown above) but a cold walk to classes! This semester I an taking General Chemistry, Basic Nutrition, The Greening of Religion, Environmental Justice and Solutions, as we as Environmental Negotiation Mediation.  Three of those are graduate level, in fact, a peer in my Mediation class is a TA in my Basic Nutrition class.  It is going to be a tough and fulfilling semester!